The Benefits Of Using A Forex Demo Account With A UK Brokerage


Forex trading is very popular with online brokers. 

Why trade forex? 

The answer is simple. It’s accessible to everyone. Anyone and everyone can open a free account and begin trading the markets within minutes. 

It doesn’t cost anything to do this other than your time, which you can spend learning the basics of the trade. 

Learning the basics

Many people begin learning everything they can about forex; reading books, magazines, watching videos etc.

After studying for some time, some traders will feel confident enough to start playing for real money. 

However, instead of doing this straight away, they often take advantage of an offer from a broker where a demo account allows them to play with fake money before committing any live funds. 

It is an excellent idea and something all traders should do, as it can be very off-putting to start trading with live funds straight away.

It is because losing trades can derail your confidence and cause you to make mistakes such as overtrading or taking wrong positions that may cost you a lot of money. 

These mistakes can happen when playing with fake money too, so it’s still not a great idea to play with live funds straight away. 

However, once you have become proficient at trading the demo account for a few months, going live is a much safer option that will allow you to gain a natural feel for what it’s like being in the market from both winning & losing positions. 

The demo account will help you build up your trading muscle memory so that once you go live, it’s just like riding a bike.

Managing risk

One of the essential things for any trader to be able to do is manage their risk and keep their losses small while letting their winners run. It would help if you did it whether you’re playing with a demo or real money. 

The big problem traders have come from beginner to more advanced is that they don’t make winning trades quickly enough, often missing out on good profits. 

They are far too stubborn to exit positions quickly enough when the price moves against them. 

It can lead to huge losses, which again de-rail confidence quickly if allowed to continue; however, it doesn’t need to happen if you take your winners quickly and cut your losers quickly.

Demo account

Trading with a demo account can help build confidence in both your technical analysis skills and your trading ability. 

If you’re still struggling with either of these, playing with a demo account can help speed up the learning process for these essentials.

It’s also essential not to overtrade or risk too much live money on low probability prospects, which may not come off even if they look great on paper when backtesting them. 

It will lead to significant losses quickly, so playing with small amounts of real money at first is another good idea.

If you are struggling with trading or want to improve it, then using a demo account is a crucial part of the process. 

You can practice and gain confidence in making good trades and keeping hold of them when they turn against you. 

Demo accounts allow traders to learn their craft while playing with fake money, which can be very difficult. 

Many professional traders started like this, and it certainly makes solid sense that practising on fake money would pay dividends if it worked correctly.

The big bonus about forex demo accounts is that you can take trades exactly how they will be taken when playing with real money, so there’s no difference other than the fact that all the pips come from thin air instead of actual price movement.

It allows you to truly analyse your performance and see if it’s any good. Once you’re satisfied that you’re doing well, it’s time to start trading with real money.


To be a successful currency trader, one of the essential things is to practice. 

Without hours spent honing your craft on currency charts, there’s no way you’ll find yourself becoming good enough at currency trading to make consistent profits. Link to for more info.

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